Thread: Наша жизнь/Job interview

Job interview
Be ready to answer these interview questions

Hiring managers learn the questions to ask to reveal the best and the worst of a candidate. These ten questions have been selected from list of 90 key questions.

1. Why did you leave your last job?
2. Give me an example of your proudest accomplishments.
3. What features of your last job did you dislike?
4. What is your greatest weakness?
5. What are your greatest strengths?
6. I'm a little worried about your lack of--
7. What is your current salary?
8. Describe a difficult coworker you've had to deal with.
9. Tell me about a recent mistake you made in your last job.
10. Can we check with your current employer?

[B]Why should we hire you? [/B]
Here's the chance to really sell yourself. You need to briefly and succinctly lay out your strengths, qualifications and what you can bring to the table. Be careful not to answer this question too generically, however. Nearly everyone says they are hardworking and motivated. Set yourself apart by telling the interviewer about qualities that are unique to you.

[B]Why do you want to work here? [/B]
This is one tool interviewers use to see if you have done your homework. You should never attend an interview unless you know about the company, its direction and the industry in which it plays. If you have done your research, this question gives you an opportunity to show initiative and demonstrate how your experience and qualifications match the company's needs.

[B]What are your greatest weaknesses? [/B]
The secret to answering this question is being honest about a weakness, but demonstrating how you have turned it into a strength. For example, if you had a problem with organization in the past, demonstrate the steps you took to more effectively keep yourself on track. This will show that you have the ability to recognize aspects of yourself that need improvement, and the initiative to make yourself better.

[B]Why did you leave your last job? [/B]
Even if your last job ended badly, be careful about being negative in answering this question. Be as diplomatic as possible. If you do point out negative aspects of your last job, find some positives to mention as well. Complaining endlessly about your last company will not say much for your attitude.

[B]Describe a problem situation and how you solved it. [/B]
Sometimes it is hard to come up with a response to this request, particularly if you are coming straight from college and do not have professional experience. Interviewers want to see that you can think critically and develop solutions, regardless of what kind of issue you faced. Even if your problem was not having enough time to study, describe the steps you took to prioritize your schedule. This will demonstrate that you are responsible and can think through situations on your own.

[B]What accomplishment are you most proud of? [/B]
The secret to this question is being specific and selecting an accomplishment that relates to the position. Even if your greatest accomplishment is being on a championship high school basketball team, opt for a more professionally relevant accomplishment. Think of the qualities the company is looking for and develop an example that demonstrates how you can meet the company's needs.

[B]What are your salary expectations? [/B]
This is one of the hardest questions, particularly for those with little experience. The first thing to do before going to your interview is to research the salary range in your field to get an idea of what you should be making. Steer clear of discussing salary specifics before receiving a job offer. Let the interviewer know that you will be open to discussing fair compensation when the time comes. If pressed for a more specific answer, always give a range, rather than a specific number.

[B]Tell me about yourself. [/B]
While this query seems like a piece of cake, it is difficult to answer because it is so broad. The important thing to know is that the interviewer typically does not want to know about your hometown or what you do on the weekends. He or she is trying to figure you out professionally. Pick a couple of points about yourself, your professional experience and your career goals and stick to those points. Wrap up your answer by bringing up your desire to be a part of the company. If you have a solid response prepared for this question, it can lead your conversation in a direction that allows you to elaborate on your qualifications.

Was taken from here
[B]No Joke - Foolish Mistakes Job Seekers Make [/B][I]By Kate Lorenz  [/I]

What do nail biting, answering your cell phone, and lying have in common? They are all ways to blow an interview.

According to a recent survey, hiring managers identified the top mistakes job candidates make. Read on about the worst qualities you can display in an interview and real-life examples.

[B]1. Poor Communication Skills [/B]
A candidate who has bad grammar, talks too much, or does not listen is a red flag. Being too open during the interview is a killer, too. You should be candid, but don't spill your guts with all your personal problems. And think before you speak - one candidate at a drug treatment facility asked if they drug-tested and if there was advance notice.

[B]2. Poor Performance or Preparation [/B]
Yes, there are job seekers who don't prepare or even know what job they're interviewing for. Physical ticks like lack of eye contact or extreme gestures and movement turned off employers. Other candidates simply flaked out - answering a cell phone, eating a sandwich, or jumping up out of the chair and falling down.

[B]3. Negative Attitude Displayed [/B]
Hiring managers are turned off by unenthusiastic, bored or arrogant behavior. Using profanity, acting cocky, or putting down a previous boss will quickly turn off an interviewer. One 37 year-old candidate said the only reason he seeking a job was because his mother wanted him to.

[B]4. Inappropriate Appearance [/B]
Improper dress and grooming can jeopardize an interview, too. Ladies, this is not a pick-up opportunity, don't dress like you're going clubbing. Guys, jeans and a t-shirt are not acceptable. Countless hiring managers cited instances of candidates who obviously did not bathe. Think that's bad? Said one employer, "One candidate did not wear shoes to the interview. How you can forget your shoes?" Oh, and please be sober.

[B]5. Lying on Resume or During Interview [/B]
Do you have to be told that dishonesty is a no-no? "One guy mentioned his arrest after completing on an application that he had never been arrested," said one hiring manager. And just in case you weren't sure, stealing from a prospective employer is also frowned upon in an interview.

[B]Actions Speak Louder Than Words [/B]
In an interview, it's not always just what you say that is important, but also how you say it and how you look when you are saying it. Despite answering all questions thrown at you with precision and confidence, if your body language is weak, your overall image may be perceived in this way, too. In order to make sure you physical actions and gestures are conveying the right message, here are a few dos and don'ts to keep in mind. While they alone won't win you the big job, they can certainly help or hurt your chances in a pinch.

[B]DO[/B] enter the room confidently. When you meet your interviewer for the first time, hold your head up, put on a smile, and be sure you look like you are enthusiastic about the opportunity. Interviews are not fun, but if you go into it anticipating torture, your body language will reflect this attitude.

[B]DON'T[/B] shake hands like a dead fish. In any professional environment, a handshake can say a lot about a person. Make sure your handshake is firm, not timid and limp. In the same respect, don't overdo it. You certainly don't want to be remembered as someone who broke the interviewer's fingers!

[B]DO[/B] try to mirror your interviewer. Mirroring the body position of the person you are talking to is a natural tendency, and this strategy often results in a more relaxed atmosphere. Pay attention to your interviewer and try to mirror his or her attitude and actions in a subtle way. If your interviewer is extremely upbeat and enthusiastic, try to pick up on that emotion. In the same respect, if he or she is more subdued, it is best to follow the same rule. This doesn't mean, however, doing everything your interviewer does. You want the environment to be comfortable - not creepy.

[B]DON'T[/B] swing your legs, tap your feet, twirl your hair, wring your hands, or bite your fingernails. All of these actions demonstrate lack of confidence and fear and can be extremely distracting. You want to make sure your interviewer concentrates on your great answers, not your fidgety behavior.

[B]DO[/B] pay attention to your posture. It sounds elementary, but sitting up straight and having good posture will tell your interviewer that you are confident and have a strong personality, while slouching will paint you as lazy and weak. As uncomfortable as you might be in that business suit, sit up straight and keep your head up.

[B]DON'T[/B] cross your arms in front of your body. Sitting with your arms crossed in front of you indicates defensiveness, resistance, aggressiveness or a closed mind. Use your hands to be expressive when you are talking. When the interviewer is speaking, keep your hands folded in your lap, rested on the arms of your chair, or in another position that is lower than your elbows.

[B]DO[/B] make and keep eye contact. Failing to make eye contact with your interviewer will keep you from truly connecting with him or her, and might make you seem shy or even evasive. Yes, making eye contact can be uncomfortable, but it is an important tactic. Similarly, try to utilize other body expressions that demonstrate interest, such as nodding, tilting your head, or raising your eyebrows when the other person is making a point.

[B]DON'T[/B] change positions often. It's hard to say whether having your legs crossed or feet flat on the floor is better. The key thing to remember is to find a position for your legs that is comfortable and try to stick with it. Constant shifting is distracting and can make a candidate seem untrustworthy. If you do opt to cross your legs, make sure they are crossed all the way. Resting your ankle on your knee will come across as too casual and even overconfident.

[B]DO[/B] pay attention to your tone of voice. Just like your physical motions, your tone of voice says a lot about you. Be sure to answer questions in a strong, consistent tone. Avoid wavering or talking too softly, mumbling or speaking too quickly. A good thing to remember before answering a question is to take a deep breath, think for a second, and then begin to answer. This will help you calm your nerves and will give you the opportunity to "look before you leap" when it comes to your important answers.

How Do I Recognize Illegal Questions?[I]By Michael Worthington [/I]

Asking personal questions is not necessarily illegal, but the motive behind them might be. If discrimination is the result of finding answers to specific questions, then it becomes a legal issue. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 does not make it illegal for an employer to ask an applicant's age or date of birth. But the ADEA does make it illegal to deny employment because of the applicant's age. Ironically, however, most illegal questions are asked when the untrained interviewer is just trying to be friendly and there is no illegal intent behind the question. You must decide on the intent behind it before answering the question. If you feel it is an illegal question and decide to walk out, and the interviewer is innocent, you've lost your chance at any future consideration as their employer.

You have a few options if you find yourself in this situation:

- Briefly answer the question and move to a new topic.
- Ignore the question and redirect the discussion toward a different topic.
- If the question is blatant and offensive, you have every right to terminate the interview and walk out.
- Don't answer the question, but answer the intent behind the question. For instance, if the interviewer asks, "Who is going to take care of your children when you have to travel?" You might answer, "I can meet the travel and work schedule that this job requires." Or if he/she asks, "Are you planning a family in the future?" You might say, "Right now I am focused on my career and as a family is always an option, it is not a priority right now."

So before filing discrimination charges, know the intent behind the question. You have every right to ignore the question if you are not sure.