Thread: FoxPro Some General Questions/Using COM ports in terminal session (W2003)

Using COM ports in terminal session (W2003)

First we made sure the port was mapped in RDC settings. We also made sure that serial ports were allowed to be mapped on the TS. Once we logged in to TS, we ran the CHANGE PORTS command to display which ports were available and how they were mapped.

In the application, I disabled the initialization of the MSComm object. I then used code I found on Universal Thread to make a file with STRTOFILE() and then used a shell command to RUN PRINT /D:COM:1 test.txt

Here is a code snippet:


lcFR = '11999'                      && Part number
lcStr = STX + '?:' + lcFR + ETX     && Build the configuration string to send to the marker
STRTOFILE(lcStr, "test.txt")        && Create file from string

lcStr = STX + ;
    ALLTRIM(Block.Serial_Number) + ;
    SOH                             && Get the serial Number
STRTOFILE(lcStr, "test.txt", 1)     && Add Serial Number format to text file
STRTOFILE(EOT,"test.txt",1)         && Add end of transmission
run print /D:com1 test.txt          && Shell out to command window and Print
ERASE test.txt                      && Delete the file

1. Путь:

If you are using the Remote Desktop Connection - click the Options on the login and click Local Resources. This will allow you to map local machine resources and make them available in the Terminal session.

2. Путь:
First we made sure the port was mapped in RDC settings. We also made sure that serial ports were allowed to be mapped on the TS. Once we logged in to TS, we ran the CHANGE PORTS command to display which ports were available and how they were mapped.

3. Путь:
CITRIX has this ability to access local com ports years ago.