Thread: FoxPro Some General Questions/Display the last page of the grid when the form instantiates

Display the last page of the grid when the form instantiates
Display the last page of the grid when the form instantiates

*** Display the last page of the grid when the form instantiates
  WITH Thisform.MyGrid
    *** Calculate the maximum number of rows per grid page
    lnMaxRows = INT( ( .Height - .HeaderHeight - ;
           IIF( INLIST( .ScrollBars, 1, 3 ), SYSMETRIC( 8 ), 0 ) ) / .RowHeight )
    GO BOTTOM IN ( .RecordSource )
    lnRecNo = RECNO( .RecordSource )
    *** Go to the record that should be in the first row of the last page
    IF lnMaxRows < RECCOUNT( .RecordSource )
      SKIP -( lnMaxRows - 1 ) IN ( .RecordSource )
      GO TOP IN ( .RecordSource )
    IF .RelativeRow < 1
      *** Make sure it is the first relative row
      DO WHILE .RelativeRow # 1
        .DoScroll( 0 )
      DO WHILE .RelativeRow # 1
        .DoScroll( 1 )
    *!* Now go back to the last record in the grid
    GO lnRecNo IN ( .RecordSource )