Thread: C# основной форум/How to correctly parse quotation marks in Full Text Search queries

How to correctly parse quotation marks in Full Text Search queries
How to correctly parse quotation marks in Full Text Search queries

With the preceding simplified rules in mind, you can create a simple parser using regular expressions to correctly place quotation marks around search strings. The algorithm to use is: Replace all double quotes (clears the text and any improper quotations)
   If the text string contains one of the key words "NEAR", "FORMSOF", or
   "ISABOUT", the parsing is complete
      Surround any instances of 'and' or 'and not' with quotes
      Surround any instances of 'or' or 'or not' with quotes
      Surround the entire string with quotes
The following is a JavaScript version: function fxnParseIt() {
   // Note: sInputString code for demo purposes only, and should be
   //      replaced with user's code for getting in string value.

   var sInputString = 'asp and database';

   sText = sInputString;
   sText = sText.replace(/"/g,"");
   if (|near|isabout)/i) == -1) {
      sText = sText.replace(/ (and not|and) /gi,'" $1 "');
      sText = sText.replace(/ (or not|or) /gi,'" $1 "');
      sText = '"' + sText + '"';

   sInputString = sText;

Natural expression for MS SQL Server :

WHERE CONTAINS (TITLE, '"HD*" and "7200*"')