Thread: ASP.NET/Detecting ASP.NET Session Timeouts

Detecting ASP.NET Session Timeouts



 public class basePageSessionExpire : System.Web.UI.Page

    public basePageSessionExpire()

  override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)

   //It appears from testing that the Request and Response both share the 
   // same cookie collection.  If I set a cookie myself in the Reponse, it is 
   // also immediately visible to the Request collection.  This just means that 
   // since the ASP.Net_SessionID is set in the Session HTTPModule (which 
   // has already run), thatwe can't use our own code to see if the cookie was 
   // actually sent by the agent with the request using the collection. Check if 
   // the given page supports session or not (this tested as reliable indicator 
   // if EnableSessionState is true), should not care about a page that does 
   // not need session
   if (Context.Session != null)
    //Tested and the IsNewSession is more advanced then simply checking if 
   // a cookie is present, it does take into account a session timeout, because 
   // I tested a timeout and it did show as a new session
    if (Session.IsNewSession)
     // If it says it is a new session, but an existing cookie exists, then it must 
   // have timed out (can't use the cookie collection because even on first 
   // request it already contains the cookie (request and response
     // seem to share the collection)
     string szCookieHeader = Request.Headers["Cookie"];
     if ((null != szCookieHeader) && (szCookieHeader.IndexOf("ASP.NET_SessionId") >= 0))

