Thread: MS SQL Server General Questions/calculate time of the events

calculate time of the events

Re: calculate time of the events

create table #temp(status int, act_time datetime)

insert #temp values(1, '19000101 12:00:00')

insert #temp values(0, '19000101 12:15:00')

insert #temp values(1, '19000101 12:16:00')

insert #temp values(0, '19000101 12:20:00')

insert #temp values(1, '19000101 12:40:00')

select sw_on, sw_on_time, sw_off, sw_off_time from

(select a.status as sw_on, a.act_time as sw_on_time, min(b.status) as sw_off, min(ISNULL(b.act_time, GETDATE())) as sw_off_time

from #temp a

left outer join #temp b on b.status <> a.status and b.act_time > a.act_time

group by a.status, a.act_time

) AS a

drop table #temp


Re: calculate time of the events

declare @t table(state int, time datetime)

insert @t select 1, '20020405 10:00'

insert @t select 0, '20020405 11:00' -- +1

insert @t select 1, '20020405 12:00'

insert @t select 0, '20020405 13:00' -- +1

insert @t select 1, '20020405 14:00'

declare @d datetime

select @d='20020405 15:00' -- +1

select sum((datediff(mi,time,@d))*(state*2-1)) from @t


Re: calculate time of the events

declare @my_date datetime;

-- чисто для примера

select @my_date = getdate();

select cust_number, sum(duration) from




datediff(day, starttime,

(SELECT MIN(endtime)

FROM (select cust_number,subr_sw_on starttime,isnull(subr_sw_off,@my_date) endtime from Liitumised where subr_sw_on<@my_date) AS S3

WHERE S3.cust_number = S1.cust_number

AND S3.endtime >= S1.starttime


(SELECT MIN(starttime)

FROM (select cust_number,subr_sw_on starttime,isnull(subr_sw_off,@my_date) endtime from Liitumised where subr_sw_on<@my_date) AS S4

WHERE S4.cust_number = S1.cust_number

AND S4.endtime > S3.endtime),

S3.endtime + 1) > S3.endtime)

) as duration

FROM (select cust_number,subr_sw_on starttime,isnull(subr_sw_off,@my_date) endtime from Liitumised where subr_sw_on<@my_date) AS S1


(SELECT MAX(endtime)

FROM (select cust_number,subr_sw_on starttime,isnull(subr_sw_off,@my_date) endtime from Liitumised where subr_sw_on<@my_date) AS S2

WHERE S2.cust_number = S1.cust_number

AND S2.starttime < S1.starttime),

S1.starttime -1) < S1.starttime

) intervals

group by cust_number


Re: calculate time of the events

T-SQL Tuesday #001: Splitting Date/Time Ranges and Intersections

Re: calculate time of the events