Thread: ASP.NET/ELMAH Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC

ELMAH Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC

Re: Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC

Logging Error Details with ELMAH

Re: Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC

Elmah and SoapException


Re: Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC


Re: Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC

Re: ELMAH Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC

Getting ELMAH to work with WCF services

Re: ELMAH Log Reporting Dashboard for ASP.NET MVC
Elmah and IIS 7.5 integrated pipeline

Breaking Changes for ASP.NET 2.0 applications running in Integrated mode on IIS 7.0

This is short explanatioon:

Hosting .NET2.0 on IIS7 needs little adjustment. Elmah is developed using .Net 2.0 and my host enviroment is IIS 7.

I have resolved this problem by configuring the web.config in the following way:

Add the following line Under <system.webServer> and remove it from <system.web>
<remove name="ErrorLog"/>
<add name="ErrorLog" type="Elmah.ErrorLogModule, Elmah" />

2. <handlers>
<remove name="Elmah"/>
<add name="Elmah" verb="POST,GET,HEAD" path="elmah.axd" type="Elmah.ErrorLogPageFactory, Elmah" preCondition="integratedMode"/>


I mean the dots ..... that you may already have the sections and there might be some code already in their. So you don't need to recreate the sections instead apply the changes.
