Thread: Общие вопросы (General Questions)/IIS 7.0 Killing my CIFS Storage looking for web.config files everywhere

IIS 7.0 Killing my CIFS Storage looking for web.config files everywhere

You can tell IIS to only look for web.config files at the root of virtual directories (no sub dirs) by setting allowSubdirConfig=false the vdir in question, or globally for all vdirs.  This command will set it globally:

c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/sites /virtualDirectoryDefaults.allowSubDirConfig:false /commit:apphost

You might have to re-start W3SVC to make it work.  

Hope that helps things.  It doesn't eliminate the web.config accesses but should decrease them significantly.