Thread: Общие вопросы (General Questions)/165 Awesome jQuery Sliders and Other Useful jQuery Effects

165 Awesome jQuery Sliders and Other Useful jQuery Effects
jQuery library has undoubtedly made the life of JavaScript programmers easier and made it possible for non-experts to do fancy stuff themselves. With jQuery, we can do a lot of really advanced and dynamic things by writing just few lines of codes. Since its arrival, jQuery has revolutionized the way we do a great variety of web designing and developing tasks. With jQuery, we can create not only simple photo gallery or slides but also some fancy animation schemes using texts and other objects. Because jQuery effects work wonders in our designs, it makes sense that we take steps to acquire a sizeable collection of ready to use plugins in various categories. To make things easy, we are showcasing a substantial array of awesome jQuery effects web designers and developers must have so that they can save time in finding the right solution for their design concepts.
